Någon slags lösning...!?

My already troubled mind

Has left me alone and behind

Around med people are watching

And wonder what I will bring

They see something special

But at the same time tragical

I say to myself; Fuck you all

Then keep on climbing the wall

You see, my friend, this is it

There be nothing else but this

Take it or leave it, until the end

And no more lives will be spent

Not that I have the answers

I have hardly a clue

But I do now a thing as well

It has to do with me and you

Together or unite, the people might

Explore themselves to win the fight

So when you hear our cheers to night

Then the world has turned alright

Postat av: Emma Damm

Kika gärna in på min konstnärsblogg. Jag postar bland annat olika kändisporträtt och säljer även egendesignade linnen :-)

2009-02-18 @ 12:39:26
URL: http://emmadamm.blogg.se/
Postat av: Artemis

Vacker text. Är du upphovsman? :)

2009-02-18 @ 12:47:10
URL: http://mista.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym

Tack och bock! ( : Joo, det är faktiskt jag som skriver då andan faller på!

2009-02-18 @ 16:33:20

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